Problemas con PackageKit? ☠ Matalo!

He visto varias búsquedas sobre PackageKit que llevan a este mi blog por esta entrada. Miro que lo que buscan es resolver el problema que les ocasiona PackageKit cuando les enllava el yum. Eso es desesperante.

Y bueno, simple. Lo que yo hago es matarlo cuando no me deja instalar nada. Eso es porque se está ejecutando en segundo plano, y ya bien está actualizando la lista de paquetes disponibles para actualizar, o simplemente haciendo tareas de rutina; sin embargo no deja de ser molesto.

Cuando hacemos por ejemplo un

$ sudo yum install compiz-fusion
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, presto, refresh-packagekit
Existing lock /var/run/ another copy is running as pid 9189.
Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit...
The other application is: PackageKit
Memory : 84 M RSS (108 MB VSZ)
Started: Sun Feb 7 16:56:08 2010 - 01:00 ago
State : Uninteruptable, pid: 9189
Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit...
The other application is: PackageKit
Memory : 84 M RSS (108 MB VSZ)
Started: Sun Feb 7 16:56:08 2010 - 01:02 ago
State : Uninteruptable, pid: 9189

La Terminal nos devuelve un mensaje de que PackageKit está haciendo de las suyas y que debemos esperar. No, nada que ver; yo no puedo esperar. Lo que hago es identificar en ese mismo mensaje el PID o ID del proceso y lo mando a matar:

$ sudo kill 9189

No tenemos que preocuparnos de nada. Les aseguro que el daemon de PackageKit volverá a enllavarles el yum de nuevo. No hay consecuencias negativas con matarlo, PackageKit es inmortal =D


When I first used Fedora, PackageKit didn’t exist. I had no Internet connection either. So I used a local repository that I had to configure with a lot of reading and googling. I was a newbie with no Internet connection, using one of the most difficult distros by that time. So, I managed to compile most applications which did not install by default or not contained in the media install. It was a lot of work and learning. When I finally accomplished my local repository I said «C’mon, what do I need Windows for?»

It was something I had to do every time there was a new Fedora release, until I get Internet connection using Fedora 9, and then PackageKit came. It was so dissapointing. I switched to Yumex with some relief. But then I realized that the most fastest and practical way to install your packages was yum. Simply.

Everybody was complaining about PackageKit.

And thus is how I said goodbye to PackageKit and had a big welcome for the simplest and fastest way to install in Fedora: yum.

Recently someone told me Packagekit is no more the turtle it used to be; but, sorry, I am happy installing via yum 🙂

Besides, even installing with yum I get PackageKit causing this never ending error:

$ sudo yum install compiz-fusion
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, presto, refresh-packagekit
Existing lock /var/run/ another copy is running as pid 9189.
Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit...
The other application is: PackageKit
Memory : 84 M RSS (108 MB VSZ)
Started: Sun Feb 7 16:56:08 2010 - 01:00 ago
State : Uninteruptable, pid: 9189
Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit...
The other application is: PackageKit
Memory : 84 M RSS (108 MB VSZ)
Started: Sun Feb 7 16:56:08 2010 - 01:02 ago
State : Uninteruptable, pid: 9189

This error comes when PackageKit is locked to fetch update database. It does that in the background.

Maybe some day I give it a try, though it may be just to make things easier for someone is used to install in graphical mode.